4 Secrets for Handling Picky Eaters

In a perfect world, your children would love everything you serve. In real life, you know that just isn’t the case. One won’t touch anything green, the other is experimenting with being a vegetarian and the third cries over anything that isn’t chicken fingers.

Having a gang of picky eaters can be enough to drive any parent straight to the local drive-in, but with a few smart tricks, making healthy meals that everyone agrees on is easier than you think. Here’s how to cook for kids with different tastes without driving yourself crazy in the kitchen.

Plan Your Weekly Menu

Having your kids weigh in on the family dinner plans not only teaches them skills on building healthy meals, but it makes them feel as if you’re listening to their preferences. When one child gets to have her favorite roast chicken on Monday, she might be more open to trying her brother’s beloved veggie lasagna on Tuesday.

Posting the weekly menu ahead of time helps kids know what to expect. Sometimes, a little advance notice is all a picky eater needs to get used to the idea of eating sweet potatoes or spinach.

Find Your Healthy Go-To’s

Sometimes there’s no time to make a weekly plan—and you find yourself panicking at 6 p.m. on Tuesday about what to cook for dinner. To avoid scrambling for a crowd-pleaser, build a kid-approved list of simple, healthy meals you can turn to when time is tight.

On a weekend afternoon, gather 20 or so recipes you love and that are easy to make. Then round up the kids and discuss each dish. Have them vote for the recipes they like, saving the ones that get a resounding yes from everyone. Next time you’re not sure what to cook, all you have to do is turn to your list.

Learn more about healthy eating.*

Make More Mix-And-Match Meals

Instead of whipping up three completely different dinners, make meals that are easy for your gang to customize. For instance, tacos can be filled ground beef or black beans. Homemade pizzas can be topped with pepperoni or chopped olives.

Similarly, make more dishes that are easy to leave things out of. It’s pretty hard to pick broccoli florets out of a casserole once it’s cooked, but it’s easy to reserve a portion of plain cooked noodles before adding broccoli to a basic bow-tie pasta and veggie dish.

Promote Adventurous Eating

You can’t force children to eat something they don’t like. But you can encourage your kids to try new things before giving them the veto. Make it a family rule that everyone has to sample a food item at least once. If someone doesn’t like something, ask him or her to explain why. For instance, you might find out your child doesn’t actually hate butternut squash; she only hates butternut squash with cinnamon.

Make a policy that requires your kids to re-try disliked foods again after a few months. Often, kids just need time to get used to a new food or recipe and will start to like it once it feels more familiar.

Learning how to cook for kids with different tastes doesn’t have to be difficult. With a few simple moves, you can start making more healthy meals that everyone accepts.

Marygrace Taylor is is an award-winning health, wellness, and nutrition writer whose work has appeared in Glamour, Redbook, Prevention, and Women’s Health. You can follow her on Twitter @mgtylr, or at marygracetaylor.com.

8 Can’t-Miss Tips for Surviving Spring Allergies in Tennessee

Spring in Tennessee means budding flowers, warmer weather and more often than not, sneezing and sniffling. With all of the state’s major cities ranked in the top 25 of the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America’s nationwide list of “Allergy Capitals,” Tennessee is one of the most challenging places to live if you’re susceptible to spring allergies.

Pollen released from grass, trees, and plants as they are budding usually causes spring allergies, also called seasonal allergies. But allergies in Tennessee can drag on longer because of its relatively long growing season, according to The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture.

This handy guide can help you with what to do before and during allergy season to avoid — or at least minimize — all the sniffling, coughing and sneezing.

How to Prepare for Allergy Season

Before the season hits this year, these tips can help you reduce your risk of a major allergy attack:

  • Enact a year-round “no shoes in the house” policy to keep dirt, dust and pollen from shoes out of the house.
  • Plan your gardening projects for early spring after the last frost but before budding begins.
  • Delegate lawn-mowing jobs to someone with no seasonal allergies.
  • Invest in a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter to remove pollen and other allergens from your house.
  • Invest in a vacuum cleaner that accommodates a HEPA filter to trap allergens from floors and surfaces in the canister.
  • Make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your allergy symptoms and get help.


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What to Ask Your Doctor About Your Allergies

When you see your doctor about your allergies, you’ll want to ask these questions, as suggested by the National Institutes of Health:

  • Should I take an allergy test?
  • What recommendation do you have for treatment?
  • Should I use any over-the-counter medications such as nasal spray?
  • Does the medication cause any side effects that could make me feel worse?
  • How effective are allergy shots? What are the side effects?
  • Should I avoid exercising outdoors?

How to Manage the Day-to-Day Allergy Battle

These tips will help you deal with the daily struggle.

  • Avoid air-drying laundry outside during pollen season as it can stick to bedding and clothing.
  • Check your local weather for the pollen count and any weather specifics such as wind that can whip up allergies.
  • Keep doors and windows closed during high pollen counts and instead rely on an air-conditioning system with high-efficiency filters to circulate and clean indoor air.
  • If exercising outdoors, try it at night when pollen counts are lowest.
  • Wear a face mask if you have to be outdoors during high pollen counts.
  • Vacuum often using a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter and be sure to have someone else empty the canister.
  • During spring, rinse your nose daily with a saline spray to remove mucus and allergens from your nose, so you don’t continue to breathe them in.
  • Drink lots of water to keep mucous membranes around your mouth, nose and eyes properly lubricated to reduce irritation from rubbing, sniffling, coughing and sneezing.

While spring allergies might be inevitable, a few steps can make the springtime more enjoyable for those most susceptible.

Naomi Mannino is a health and personal finance journalist who specializes in helping consumers get the most from their health and financial choices. She enjoys sharing her personal experiences and never writes about anything she has not tried herself. You can follow Naomi on Twitter @naomimannino.

Advice or recommendations are for informational or educational purposes only, not a substitute for a visit or consultation with your doctor.

How to Maintain Your Friendships During Pregnancy

Having a baby not only changes your life, but also your friendships. Here are some tips on how to maintain friendships through pregnancy and remain supportive on both sides.

When Someone Doesn’t React Well

Whether you’re pregnant or someone else is, it’s common to have feelings other than joy. Learning about another person’s pregnancy can trigger strong emotions – and that’s usually not about the pregnant woman herself.

Perhaps your friend struggles with infertility, so your pregnancy reminds her of her own struggles. If a friend seems distracted at the news, it’s okay to ask if something’s bothering her and then reassure her you’re not taking it personally.

On the other hand, if a friend’s pregnancy brings up tough feelings for you, be honest. Tell her you’re happy for her, but you’re having a reaction based on your own circumstances and may need time to process your feelings. A good friend should understand.

What Should You Say (or Not Say)?

Women don’t always appreciate advice related to their pregnancy. If a pregnant woman wants to hear opinions on breastfeeding or potential names, she’ll ask. Otherwise, smile and keep your lips sealed. What if you’re pregnant, and someone is giving you advice? Nodding and saying “Thank you” or “We’re not ready to discuss that right now” is a great way to acknowledge someone’s words without starting an argument. Then politely switch subjects.

Having a baby? Learn more about what to expect during maternity.*

Activities to Do With a Pregnant Friend

In addition to a growing belly, pregnancy brings a host of physical changes that will most likely affect the activities you can do together. Not only is an evening at the bar less enjoyable for a woman sipping soda instead of chardonnay, but the smells, noise levels and high stools can be irritating or uncomfortable.

Pregnant women get tired easily. They may not want to stay out late or have the energy to do a marathon shopping spree. Pregnant women may experience hormonal changes, which can mean emotional instability, according to the Mayo Clinic, so proceed to tearjerker movies with caution. When planning activities with a pregnant friend, ask her how she is feeling and what she wants to do.

Consider going to an exercise class together, like pilates or yoga. You can also sign up for a meal preparation program, like the one offered through Super Suppers or host a freezer meal workshop with a Pampered Chef or Wildtree representative. You’ll prep meals you freeze and store until after baby comes, which is fun and helpful for the mom-to-be.

As you or your friends go through this life-changing experience, learning how to maintain friendships through pregnancy is important. Share your feelings in a kind but honest way. It’s important for you both to feel supported and keep those friendships strong.

Deborah Abrams Kaplan is a health and medical writer who works at a standing desk. She believes that everyone should take charge of their own healthcare and not be afraid to ask questions. She hopes that her writing empowers people to do that. You can see more of Deborah’s work on her website, and follow her on Twitter @friscokids.

Advice or recommendations are for informational or educational purposes only, not a substitute for a visit or consultation with your doctor.

Vision Care Tips for the Whole Family

Living in Tennessee, you’ll want to be able to see all the beautiful things around you, including the vistas of the Smoky Mountains to the caves of Ruby Falls and the wildflowers Short Springs Natural Area. Here are some health tips to keep your vision in top shape for years to come.

How Often Should You Get Your Eyes Checked?

The American Optometric Association (AOA) recommends children get their first eye exam at six months and again at three years of age. After first grade, schedule an exam at least every two years.

If you don’t need eye correction as an adult, the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) recommends full examinations once in your 20s and twice in your 30s. The AAO also recommends adults with no eye disease risk factors get a baseline eye screening for eye diseases at age 40.

People approaching middle age might find that reading a restaurant menu is getting more difficult, as the development of eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts and ocular tumors becomes more common as we age. From ages 40-64, have your eyes checked every two to four years. Adults age 65 or older should head to the eye doctor every 1 to 2 years.

Learn more about healthy living.*

What’s the Youngest Age You Can Get Contact Lenses?

Your ophthalmologist may have a recommended age, usually around 10 to 12, says the AOA. However, it varies by child and doctor. Before allowing your child to get contact lenses, consider if your child is ready for them. How well does he or she handle responsibility? Does he or she have good personal hygiene habits?

Taking care of contacts can be a big task for preteens, so try a trial period to see how your child does. (Keep a pair of glasses handy just in case your child finds he or she doesn’t like contacts.)

How Can I Protect My Eyes?

Protecting your vision is easier than you think. These eye health tips can keep your eyes in good shape:

  • Wear sunglasses. Sunglasses protect your eyes from direct sunlight that can cause retina problems and cataract development.
  • Safety comes first. Prevent eye injuries by wearing safety glasses when playing sports or doing home improvement projects.
  • Eat the right foods. You’ve been told that eating carrots can help save your vision, but make sure you’re consuming a variety of fruits, vegetables and foods with omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish oil) as well. Foods that contain zinc and vitamins C and E help prevent age-related macular degeneration.
  • Take breaks. Prevent eye fatigue that comes with staring at a computer or phone screen by taking a break every 20 minutes to look in the distance.

Deborah Abrams Kaplan is a health and medical writer who works at a standing desk. She believes that everyone should take charge of their own healthcare and not be afraid to ask questions. She hopes that her writing empowers people to do that. You can see more of Deborah’s work on her website, and follow her on Twitter @friscokids.

Advice or recommendations are for informational or educational purposes only, not a substitute for a visit or consultation with your doctor.

Why It’s Time to Bust These Stress Myths

We’re all familiar with stress. Considering how common it is in modern life, we’ve also probably heard a few common misconceptions about stress as well. These misconceptions can hold us back in effectively treating the stress in our lives.

Here are some myths about stress and some ways you can manage it better.

Myth 1: Stress is “just a feeling”

Although we often say that we “feel stressed,” stress itself is more than a feeling. Stress is the physical or mental pressure you feel when faced with a situation that is new, unpleasant or threatening. Stress is not something to write off as “just a feeling.”

When left untreated for extended periods of time, it can negatively impact your health just like smoking or obesity. According to the National Institute for Mental Health, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and depression are all serious health issues that are often caused by untreated stress.

Myth 2: No symptoms = no stress

It’s a myth that only major symptoms of stress are cause for concern. According to Mayo Clinic, stress may impact your health without you even realizing it. Many minor stress symptoms, such as headaches and indigestion, are easily confused with illness.

Whether you experience irritability, physical aches or sleep deprivation, our brains create patterns of behavior that determine our own automatic reaction to stress. Because that pattern is different for each of us, the way we react to stress even the symptoms of stress we exhibit can be completely different from one person to the next.

Learn more about managing health conditions.*

Myth 3: Stress is uncontrollable

Because it’s impossible to control every aspect of our lives, we cannot completely avoid stress and the things that cause it. As mentioned above, stress is an automatic reaction and although we can’t entirely escape it, we can effectively manage stress in three easy steps:

  1. Identify your stressors. Take time to pinpoint what causes stress in your life. Common stressors include work, finances and relationships, but remember that stressors are different for everyone. Whenever you begin to experience stress, the American Psychological Association suggests writing down the cause, your thoughts and your mood. By keeping a written record, you will be better able to identify what causes stress in your life and develop a plan to address it.
  1. Recognize your reaction. How does your mood change when you’re stressed? Some people feel more irritable or anxious. What do you do to relieve stress? Common reactions include emotional eating or consuming more caffeine. Whatever your reaction to stress, it’s crucial that you consciously recognize this reaction before you can effectively change it.
  1. Change your response. Once you have identified your stressors and recognized your reaction, you can begin to train your brain to react differently to stress. Whether it’s working out, visiting with friends or meditation, find what helps you to relax. Replace a negative automatic reaction with one of these positive stress-relieving activities and eventually the brain will change its automatic response pattern.

Lastly, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a large part of managing stress. Eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly and strive to get enough sleep each night. Studies show that laughter effectively relieves stress, so make it a priority to spend quality time with family and friends. Although we can’t completely avoid stress, developing these healthy habits can prevent stress from becoming a problem in your life.

Advice or recommendations are for informational or educational purposes only, not a substitute for a visit or consultation with your doctor.

4 Steps You Can Take Today to Relieve Lower Back Pain

Maybe you’ve just gotten home from a day at the office, or spent the day working in the yard. Either way you come inside at the end of the day and find yourself thinking, “Oh, my back!” Lower back pain is one of the most common medical problems today, affecting nearly 80% of adults at some point during their lives.

There are two classifications of back pain: acute and chronic. Acute lower back pain is short-term pain that can last from a few days to several weeks, whereas chronic lower back lasts for more than three months.

Prevent lower back pain by following these four simple steps:

Stand tall

Many people have a tendency to slouch when they are standing. Slouching causes stress on the muscles and ligaments in your back, resulting in both lower back pain and headaches among other health problems.

In order to maintain proper posture while standing, you should always remember to:

  • Keep your shoulders pulled back allowing your hands to rest by your side.
  • Align your feet with your hips, and pull your abdomen in so that it is firm.
  • Relax your knees, and balance your weight equally on both feet.

The wall test can help you get an idea of how you should be standing if you want to maintain proper posture.

Sit straight

Whether you work from home or in an office building, it is important to have a work environment that allows you to maintain proper sitting posture.

While sitting, you should have both feet on the ground while keeping your knees level with your hips. Your back should rest against the chair so you can keep your upper back and neck comfortably straight. Your shoulders should be relaxed, and your head should be stretched towards the ceiling.

For extra support, you can place a small pillow or towel behind your lower back to help maintain its natural curve.

Lift properly

Using improper techniques while lifting heavy objects is one of the most common factors contributing to the development of low back pain. When lifting heavy items, you should keep your back straight while bending at the waist with your knees close to the floor so that you use your knees instead of your back to lift the package. Hold the item as close to your body as possible. Remember to check the weight of the item first, and if it is too heavy for you to lift on your own ask for help.

Exercise often

Taking a few minutes every day to stretch and fit in a few strengthening exercises can help prevent back pain by strengthening the muscles and ligaments in your back.

When you don’t have time to make it to the gym or fit an at-home workout into your busy schedule, you can take a few minutes before you go to bed to practice some yoga moves. Yoga can help reduce muscle tension and build muscle strength, both of which can help reduce your chances of developing lower back pain.

Although lower back pain is common in most adults, maintaining proper posture and being mindful of the strain you place on your back can help prevent further injury in the future.

Advice or recommendations are for informational or educational purposes only, not a substitute for a visit or consultation with your doctor.

4 Simple Ways to Stay Active During the Workday

With so much of today’s business happening online, we spend a lot of time sitting at our computers. If you find yourself regularly feeling sluggish at work, sitting for extended periods of time could be the problem.

Whether you work from home or in an office, there are many ways to incorporate exercise into your workday without breaking a sweat. Try one of these four ways to get moving while working.


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in three people over age 65 fall each year. This is primarily due to decreased stability as a result of aging. As we age, our muscles, ligaments and tendons become tighter, shorter and weaker resulting in decreased balance. Factors like stress can cause these signs of aging to progress more quickly.

Balance training is key to improving stability and slowing the effects of aging. If your work allows it, increase activity by adding a balance disc to your desk chair. These inflatable cushions are a discreet and effective way to strengthen your core, which improves both balance and posture. While standing, improve your stability by practicing simple heel raises and one leg balance training.


Like stability, age also affects mobility. To combat declining mobility, a good stretch is a great place to start. Stretching during the workday, or any time you’re sitting for an extended period of time, is crucial to improving long-term mobility. At minimum, you should stretch every few hours and hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds. The more often you stretch, the better.

Although all stretches are beneficial, some stretches are especially necessary depending on your profession. For more sedentary jobs, focus on stretching your hamstrings, forearms, hip flexors, neck, chest and abdomen. People with more active jobs should focus on stretching your quads, calves, upper back, lower back and seat.

The benefits of regular stretching include improved muscle conditioning, better posture, decreased muscle and joint pain and increased oxygen to the brain. To help you get started, the Mayo Clinic offers a useful guide to basic stretches.

Learn more about workplace wellness.*


As an effective way to strengthen your heart, lungs and circulatory system, cardiovascular activity, or cardio, is a key component of a healthy lifestyle. Cardio exercise refers to any movement that increases your heart rate over an extended period of time. Some of the most common types of cardio include running, swimming and biking. However, there are many ways to incorporate a cardio workout into your day without leaving the office.

Cardio can be as simple as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or marching in place while on a conference call—anything that gets your heart pumping. Research has shown that physical activity actually increases workplace productivity. When feasible, conduct meetings while walking outside or around the building instead of seated in a conference room. For additional motivation to get moving, use a fitness device to track activity during the workday.


Muscle strength directly affects our ability to independently perform life’s everyday activities, like lifting children or climbing stairs. Inactivity and aging are two factors that decrease muscle strength and make these everyday activities more difficult. Resistance training is a type of exercise that strengthens muscles using opposing force and is perfect for the workplace because it doesn’t require a lot of space or equipment to be effective.

In fact, many movements you make every day such as pushing, pulling, squatting and twisting require resistance. Chair dips, squats and lunges are three simple exercises that strengthen muscles using only the weight of your body. With all of these resistance exercises, you can easily increase the difficulty by increasing the number of repetitions.


How do you stay active during the workday? Let us know in a comment!


What Everyone Should Know About Seasonal Depression

Feeling down this time of year? You’re not alone. During the winter months, many people find that colder temperatures and less daylight hours have a negative effect on their mood and energy levels.

If this sounds familiar, it’s extremely important to identify the extent to which you’re experiencing these feelings in order to effectively manage and treat them. Here’s how to tell the difference between the “winter blues” Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and ongoing depression.

Winter Blues vs. SAD

The winter blues are extremely common, especially in the months following the holiday season. The return to our regular routines and the arrival of December’s credit card bill can leave us feeling stressed, unhappy and unmotivated.

People experiencing the winter blues may find themselves wanting to stay inside longer, stay in bed longer and eat more carbohydrates.

SAD is a more severe version of the winter blues. People battling SAD often experience the same symptoms as those associated with the winter blues but to a more extreme degree.

The difference between the blues and SAD is the blues will go away with the right self-care while SAD may require treatment by a medical professional. However, there are some things you can do on your own to help treat the winter blues as well as alleviate the symptoms of SAD.

Dr. Jill Amos, Principal Clinical Psychologist for BlueCare of Tennessee, has provided some tips for managing these conditions:

  • Increase light exposure. Get as much sun as possible. If the weather permits, go outside and walk with a friend. If it’s too cold, open the blinds and sit next to a window. Even on cloudy days, the exposure to natural light can still help to improve your mood.
  • Eat right. Avoid foods that are high in fat and sugar. Unhealthy choices, like cake and cookies, may provide temporary pleasure, but can have a negative effect on mood in the long run. Curb your cravings by making a dessert that uses seasonal fresh fruits, like apples or pears.
  • Stay active. If you know you struggle during the winter months, be proactive and schedule enjoyable activities with family and friends. Invite a loved one to go on a hike or volunteer with you for an afternoon.

If you notice a friend or family member is exhibiting signs of the winter blues or SAD, Dr. Amos suggests setting aside one-on-one time with them to discuss how they are doing and, if necessary, offering to join them to talk with a doctor or therapist.

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Unlike the winter blues and SAD, the symptoms of depression are not limited to a specific time of year. An individual suffering from depression will likely experience many of the symptoms associated with the winter blues and SAD, but during the spring, summer and fall months as well.

Other signs of depression include unexplained aches or pains, decreased productivity, alcohol or drug abuse and an overall loss of interest in daily life.

Not all depression is the same. The severity and duration of symptoms can vary depending on the type of depression as well as the person’s age and gender. Seek the advice of a medical professional if you believe that you or someone you know is suffering from depression.

Everyone has bad days, and feeling sad from time to time is a normal part of life. By knowing how to identify the type of sadness you’re experiencing, you’ll be able to determine your best treatment options and be on your way to a happier and healthier you.

Advice or recommendations are for informational or educational purposes only, not a substitute for a visit or consultation with your doctor.

Managing Asthma with Your Diet

Did you know that eating a more balanced diet can do more than just slim your waistline? It could help you breathe better, too. If you have asthma, research has shown that certain foods can open restricted airways and reduce inflammation.

Here’s a list of foods that could help you manage your asthma:

Follow a Mediterranean Diet

You’ve probably heard about the health benefits of a Mediterranean diet, which includes fruits, vegetables, fish and nuts. Absent from this list are red meat, margarine and processed foods, according to EatingWell, as they contain the saturated fat that interferes with blood flow.

Items in the Mediterranean diet also have anti-inflammatory properties, which is important for those suffering from asthma since it’s a disease of lung inflammation. Look for freshly grown vegetables and fruits from your local farmers’ market this fall, such as beets, carrots, kale and apples.

Get Vitamins with Fruits and Vegetables

By eating a range of fruits and vegetables, you’ll get an ample amount of vitamins. Mayo Clinic suggests those who receive higher servings of vitamin C, Vitamin D, beta-carotene and vitamin E have fewer symptoms of asthma.

For Vitamin D, local eggs and milk are good sources as well. Of course, you can also consider omega-3 fatty acids, too, which Reader’s Digest says you can find in many kinds of fish in your area: Lake trout contains a high concentration of them, whereas catfish and bass also have it to a lesser extent.

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Add Ginger

According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, ginger may also work as an herbal medication to help manage common asthma symptoms. It’s believed that ginger can help decrease lung inflammation due to the high levels of antioxidants in this plant. Add it as an ingredient to the fresh foods you’re already making, or boil it with water to make tea.

Consider Flaxseeds

These small seeds pack a big nutritional punch. Flaxseeds not only contain protein, fiber and Omega-3 essential fatty acids but also magnesium, which has been shown to relax the muscles of the airway.

Advice or recommendations are for informational or educational purposes only, not a substitute for a visit or consultation with your doctor.

Q&A with a Registered Dietitian: Getting Started with Healthy Cooking

One of the biggest challenges when trying to improve your and your family’s eating habits is coming up with healthy family recipes that are quick, easy and tasty. Rather than finding new recipes, however, a quicker strategy may be to recreate the dishes you’ve been making all along.

For a simple food makeover, Rebecca Greer, a Registered Dietitian, shared personal experiences that can help anyone who wants to eat right and serve healthier meals.

Q: How did you get interested in healthy eating?

Rebecca Greer: I’ve always loved food and being around the kitchen. I quickly discovered that if you love good food, it’s handy to be able to make it yourself. I learned a lot about how to make healthy food taste delicious by watching cooking TV shows and reading healthy cookbooks. I had a lot of mishaps in the beginning, so I always encourage people to keep trying. Cooking takes practice.

Q: Are there any aspects about cooking that present unique obstacles?

RG: I find cooking to be enjoyable most of the time, but it can be stressful if I don’t have a meal planned or go to the grocery store ahead of time. I recently spent about ten minutes writing down a list of my family’s favorite recipes. It’s hanging on the fridge, so that way I can plan meals from those if I don’t feel like looking for new ones. I also often tell my clients to make sure they’re selecting easy and quick recipes for weeknights.

Q: What family recipes have you converted to healthy ones?

RG: My mom always made delicious artichoke dip for football games. I’ve made it healthier by swapping out half the mayo for plain low-fat yogurt. I do [this type of] swap a lot. For my mom’s pumpkin bread, I swapped out half the oil for applesauce. For pancakes, I do half whole wheat and half white flour. My mother-in-law makes her greens with olive oil, which is healthier but also delicious. For my husband’s favorite double-chocolate cookies, I switched out half the butter for oil.

Learn more about healthy eating.*

Q: How did you and your family react to the change to heathier recipes? Was there any resistance?

RG: I learned not go on and on about how healthy something was; that usually puts a preconception in someone’s mind that it won’t taste good. Just cook and serve it and see how everyone likes it. After all, flavor is the number-one reason people choose to eat what they do, so even if it’s the healthiest meal in the world, you won’t make it again if it doesn’t taste good.

Q: Where do you buy food for making healthy family recipes?

RG: I go to the grocery store for most things, but I love visiting farmers’ markets when I can. I also have a small garden that helps with the cost of things like herbs. I prefer to spend money on good food and cut back elsewhere, but I’ve found that meal-planning helps keep the cost down.

When starting your own healthy family recipes, don’t overwhelm yourself with too many right away. Begin by giving one of your favorite recipes an adjustment, and when you’ve perfected it, move on to another. Find substitution ingredients and ratios online. By taking these baby steps, you’ll make tremendous progress over the long term.

Judy Wilson is a writer and editor specializing in varied content areas, including health, wellness, food, cooking and nutrition. She enjoys educating others and enabling them to lead fulfilling lives of vibrant health. You can follow Judy on Twitter @EvergreenWords.

Advice or recommendations are for informational or educational purposes only, not a substitute for a visit or consultation with your doctor.
Consult your doctor before beginning any diet or exercise program.